Hello? Is anybody out there?
I'll just go ahead and answer my own question by saying "heck no Haley; nobody's out there because you haven't blogged in forever".
That was a little harsh, but it needed to be said. I'm so sorry for my absence. I would love to tell you my blogging hiatus was due to my life being super fabulous and crazy busy. Alas, that's just not the case. More like I've just been being lazy. My train got derailed from the blogging tracks. Well ladies, I am happy to report my good friend Lauren has set me straight. I have seen the error of my ways and I am back.
If you will....I'm bringing sexy back. Well, not really sexy...just Haley. "I'm bringing Haley back, YEAH"
Check back tomorrow for the weekend wrap up and a special post later in the week on my trip to Washington!!!