Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Is Sick

Source: via Ivy on Pinterest

Hello lovelies! Guess who had a sick day today?!? If you guessed me then you win a million dollars!!! Oh wait, scratch that, I'm a teacher and we don't make that kind of money. I digress. So, yep I took a sick day.

I is sick. I blame it on the 50 children I work with on a daily basis. I love them to death, but they give me all their germs (sad face).

After dragging my happy tail out of the bed, I marched myself to the nearest clinic and was first in line at 8:00 this morning. That's right you read correctly, 8:00. I didn't even sleep in on my day off. Two steroid shots later, I was out the door and on the way to the pharmacy.

Feeling a little loopy, and a teensy bit tired I called my mama to complain about my rear hurting from that durn shot. I mean that's any southern girl would do in my situation. The afore mentioned durn shot not only hurt, but caused me to sleep ALL day, which explains why I am up now. Oops. Back to the on the way to the pharmacy story. I hit a bird on the way to the pharmacy. I'm pretty sure I did anyway. However, in my current state at the time, I could've totes dreamed that up. The was this pretty little red bird flying in front of my car, then he was flying under my car. If you're looking for a silver lining, I can report that the bird escaped without injury. Mama thought I had completely lost my marbles when I was on the phone explaining my bird story to her. She was all, "Go home and don't drive your car anymore today". Not so sure if this was for my safety, or the local bird's.

Well, I'm off to take my meds, then off to bed. If I'm lucky!

P.S. My boss called to check on me (she's the best) and I really have no clue what I said to her. Scary thought. I'm hopping and praying to the Dear Lord above that I didn't say anything too crazy. I mean I don't think I told her the bird story. If so, I'll just blame it on the cough meds.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just A Few Factoids

I am so excited to be linking up with Whitney today for Facts of Me. If you haven't checked out her precious blog, you should go right on over and see for yourself just how awesome she is. (After rereading that sentence I realized just how southern I truly am. "Go right on over"....Bless my heart. 

On with the facts....

FACT #1: I make myself laugh....We are talking full out LOL here people. I think I am ten times funnier than I actually probably am. See above statement for proof of this. I was a major class clown in seventh grade; my friends thought I was funny, Mrs. Walls did not.

 FACT #2: I am addicted to reality tv....Saying it out loud makes it sound even more pathetic than it did in my head, judge me if you wish. My current addictions include, but are certainly not limited to: The Bachelor (l mean hello, it's Sean), Dance Moms (I love to hate Ms. Abbey), and The Real Housewives (Beverly Hills and New York being my favorites)

FACT #3: The class pet hates me....Long story short, I tried to be the cool teacher and buy a class pet for my students. Lesson learned from all this, Guinea Pigs are EVIL. He bit me yesterday afternoon and I spent the rest of the day trying to convince myself that I did not contract rabies or something.

Happier Days 
Dont' let this sweet face fool you. He is vicious. 

FACT #4: I wear my heart on my sleeve....Somedays all anyone would have to do is look at me the wrong way and I will burst into tears. I have never understood those "thick skinned" people. If there was one thing I could change about myself, this would be it.

FACT #5: I am a major girly girl, but I love baseball....My brother has been playing competitive baseball for as long as I can remember. I has spend many a summer on a ball field in the middle of nowhere. His passion for the game rubbed off on me and the rest is history. There isn't one thing that could come between me and a baseball game. Well...besides Ms. Burch herself. I prefer to combine the two.

The baby brother

Ball field + Tory Burch = Perfection

FACT #6: I stink at sports....while we were on the topic, I thought I would go ahead and mention that I do not have an athletic bone in my body. I am actually crying in my t-ball picture. That's how much I hated it.

****I can not find this picture right now, but it's still hanging on my grandmother refrigrator. I will go over and steal it tomorrow. Check back for picture update, you don't want to miss this one. *****

FACT #7: I am terrified of elevators....I am so glad the good Lord didn't call me to be a nurse, or doctor. There is absolutely no way I would make it. This irrational fear goes all the way back to when I was about 8 years old. My grandmother got us "stuck" in an elevator at our local hospital. Seeing as how I live in a very small town, we only have two floors. Technically, we weren't really stuck in the elevator, she was just pushing the number of the floor we were already on, so the durn thing wouldn't move. I have totally convinced we were going to die.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

The Big Picture

Just a little something that has been on my heart lately. Some times we get so caught up in the problems of our everyday lives that we forget to see the bigger picture. Things might be totally crummy from where you are sitting now, but don't forget who is writing your story. 

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm BACK!!

Hey soul sisters!! Long time, no blog huh? Oops...I have abandoned my poor little blog and for that I am greatly sorry. Guess what girls....I'm back!!

Let's get right down to business by discussing where the heck I have been hiding for the last few months. No, I haven't been under a rock. ;)

How about we just hit the highlights with a little photo session. I mean who doesn't appreciate a good photo post?

1. New teaching job!!! Well, technically I just went back to my roots. I love being back home and working with the kiddos in my community. So thankful to have a job I LOVE!

...and after. Many long days and hours went into making this room look so super cute. 
2. Job #2...Ella Ivy. This lucky girl gets help our  wonderful customers play dress up every weekend and I love every minute of it. I am knee deep in Karlie, Free People, Uncle Frank, and Wish just to name a few of my favorite brands. It also doesn't hurt that I get to work with one of my besties. Love you E!
My E!!
My work Mama!

3. Building friendships. Some new and others old. I love these girls so much! Words can NOT describe how much each of these beautiful ladies mean to me. I am truly blessed the Lord placed them in my life.

Buddies since pre-K!
These two girls are my sanity!
Sweet little Mama! I am so blessed to call this amazing woman my friend. She is going to be the best mama in the entire world. I think it goes without saying that I in turn will be the best aunt. Le duh!
And then Landon...we both love leopard print so it was obvious we should be friends. 
Sweet Emily...the blushing bride to be. Love you!
Mrs. Nelson, I like to refer to her as Nelly. God has blessed me with many "Mamas" to watch over me. This little lady just happens to be one of them. 
My little world traveler. This girl is my rock!

The little family from the college days. Mama, Daddy, and the two girls. Miss them so much!

4. Oh by the way...the teacher became a student again. What can I say? I'm a bit of a nerd. There I said it. I have always wanted to continue my education and I jumped head first into grad school last fall. Is it the most fun I've ever had? Um...NO. However, it will be so worth it in the end.

5. What's going on the boy department you might ask. Well ladies, I have no news to report at this time. Still waiting on my prince charming. Trusting in His timing and enjoying the single life.

6. Family time. You all know how important family is to me. I am pleased to announce that we have added a new addition to my crazy family. I love this little girl so very much!! Sports were played by the brother. Which in turn means that I lost my voice quite a few times yelling like a crazy person. What can I say? I get a little too into the games sometimes.
The parental units. I'm am a wonderful mixture of these two. Sweet like my Mama, but feisty like my Daddy. 
Baby Sarah!! Don't you want to just pinch her chubby little cheeks?!?!

They say that daughters eventually turn into their mothers. I hope it's true. 
My boy. The baby brother has me wrapped around his little finger.

Now that you all know I'm alive and we have had time to do a little catching up, let's get this little blog back on track! ;)

Love you ladies!!

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