Thursday, February 17, 2011

What I Am NOT Supposed To Be Doing...

Why does everything seem so much more fun when you have work you are supposed to be doing?

For example, I am supposed to be working on a few things:

1. Classroom Management Plan
2. Resume/Job applications
3. Ten Day Lesson Plan (insert big sigh here)

Instead of working on completing these things, I am procrastinating.

Would you like a few examples of my procrastination?

1. Blogging
2. Laying in bed watching iCarly
3. Looking at cute clothes online that I do not have the money to buy

I have been student teaching for so long now that I have forgotten what it feels like to be a "real" college student. Yes, by using the world "real" I am implying that I feel like a fake college student. I completely do not remember what it feels like to have school work that needs to be done. Student teaching has taken me out of my student mode and put me into full teacher mode. Let me just say that assigning the work is way easier than being the one that has to complete it.

Now it is time for Ms. Holley to do as she tells her students and "Stop dawdling and get to work".

Goodbye procrastination, I won't be gone too long. I sure I will see you again in a few minutes.


Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentines Day

Well boys and girls, since today is the day we celebrate love, I think I will talk about a few things I am loving today.

1. My Grandaddy made me this cute little ring. Guess what it was made out of...a dime. How cool is that, right? Ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted him to make me one. Finally, this valentines day I got one. Allow me to explain my obsession with having this ring. My great grandmother, which would be my grandaddy's mother, wore a dime ring as her wedding band. Her husband was too poor to buy her a "real ring", so he made her one. He took a dime and whittled out the inside of it until all that was left was a ring. I remember being a little girl and being mesmerized by hearing this story. Too my great grandparents, it didn't matter the size of the ring, or what it cost. All that mattered was their love for each other, true love.
2. I just received this beautiful arrangement of flowers from my parents. I love getting flowers, these defiantly brought a smile to my face. I am one lucky girl! Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you guys!
3. I didn't go to school today because I woke up feeling horrible this morning. While getting ready for school I thought I was going to be sick, so I decided to stay home and rest. It has been a great relaxing day so far, I can't wait to see what tonight has in store for me. I'm hoping to have a great night with my sweet love!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Singing a Song and Bathing a Dog

Last night I was over at my boyfriends apartment and we were all sitting around listening to always. One of my best friends Joey, played this song and said it reminded him of our friendship. I have never heard this song before last night, but ever since then Shira Lani and I have had it stuck in our heads.

Today I got in a little fight with my roommate Emily. This rarely happens, but when it does boy does it become explosive. I immediately thought of this song after our tiny fight. I just love this song because it is such a good explanation of how friendship works. Oh and by the way, Emily and I made up. You know we can't stay mad at each other for too long. I love her too much to be mad at her. Oh and if we weren't friends anymore...who would dress me? Can I get a amen Em?

Moving on to a different topic, how cute is this picture? It is quite possibly my new favorite picture.

I came home this afternoon to attend my sweet baby brother's baseball banquet. When we got back home, I told mom I wanted to give Lucy a bath. This is what happened when she got out of the bath and curled up in front of my heater. She is so spoiled, but so super sweet!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Days Make My Heart Happy

The title of this blog pretty much sums up my feelings about the snow we have received today! Looking outside my window, I feel like I'm looking into a snow globe. In three is beautiful! As I am typing this there are two boys outside my window trying to build snowmen for their girlfriends. It is so sweet. Sort of reminds me of a few weeks ago when I forced this sweet boy to build me one. It amazes me what boys will do for the girls they love.

I have been anxiously awaiting this snow for two days now and it's arrival has not at all disappointed me. The wreck I almost had because of this beautiful snow did not make me happy, but hey it's not the snows fault. Well, it basically is but I forgive it. I mean look at all of the sweet things the snow has done for me today. First, it allowed me to get out of school at 11:45. I was home, out of my teacher clothes, and into my cozy pajamas before 12:00. It was wonderful . Also, my night class has been canceled for tonight. I so have to write snow a thank you card for that one.

I am looking forward to making snow creme tonight, playing in the snow with my sweet friends, and being out of school tomorrow. Snow, you are really awesome!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Two Great Men

Today has been a very bittersweet day for me.

The sweet part...My daddy celebrated his 58th birthday today. I have always been and always will be a daddy's girl. Through the years I have learned so much from him and I am so blessed to call him my daddy. My daddy works so hard to provide for our family and I don't know what we would do without him. I love my daddy so much and hope to celebrate many more birthdays with him.

The bitter part...Willie's Uncle Jeff passed away Saturday night. This was very unexpected and caught the whole family off guard. I have known Jeff for four years now and he was such a great man. I can truly say that I am so blessed to have known him. He was so full of life and energy, Willie is a lot like him in that way. I love his sweet family so much and I pray for them as they struggle through this hard time. He left behind his wife Tren and four precious children Talley, Maddie, Liam, and Rafe. Willie has been in Texas this whole week and I know this has been so hard on him. Jeff was not only Willie's uncle, but also his mentor. He will be greatly missed. His funeral was today and I am so upset that I couldn't be there. Please pray for this sweet family as they struggle through this difficult time.

Uncle Jeff, I am honored to have known you. Thanks for welcoming me into your family and always being so kind to me. You could always make me laugh. I will miss you so much! I love you!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Let's Catch Up

I have been a horrible blogger this past week. I promise to do better this week! So...what have I been up to? Let me catch you up.

Last week I spent almost everyday with my friends. There was not one day that I can remember that I just stayed at home and didn't see anyone. I realize this kind of makes me sound like a hermit, but so be it. The week before last, I was so tired from starting student teaching that I pretty much was a hermit. I so needed all the quality friend time I had.

Let's see...what else. Oh yeah, I thought I had mercury poisoning. This was not at all fun. I will try to make this story as short as possible. Wednesday, my teacher was out of school and we had a sub. This basically meant that I was in charge of the instruction, because the kids are more comfortable with me and Mrs. Smith had sat down with me the day before to go over everything we needed to cover. During math, I was teaching about measurement and different types of tools we used to measure things. Well, the topic of temperature came up and I took out a thermometer, it all went down hill from there. The next thing I knew, one of my kids said, "Ms. Holley, the thermometer busted and you have it all over your hands. You know that has mercury in it....are you going to die?" I was telling myself to remain calm, but I'm not sure I did a very good job at that. Long story short, it was a newer thermometer and it did not contain mercury. Thank goodness!
My sweet Papaw celebrated his 78th birthday. He is such a sweet man and I have been so blessed to have him as my grandfather for so many years. It was great to have all of our family together to help him celebrate.

I'm sure I did several other things, but they weren't important or I guess I would've remembered them. Well, no we are all caught up on all of the important matters. Goodbye for now. I promise to be a better blogger this week!
