Friday, February 11, 2011

Singing a Song and Bathing a Dog

Last night I was over at my boyfriends apartment and we were all sitting around listening to always. One of my best friends Joey, played this song and said it reminded him of our friendship. I have never heard this song before last night, but ever since then Shira Lani and I have had it stuck in our heads.

Today I got in a little fight with my roommate Emily. This rarely happens, but when it does boy does it become explosive. I immediately thought of this song after our tiny fight. I just love this song because it is such a good explanation of how friendship works. Oh and by the way, Emily and I made up. You know we can't stay mad at each other for too long. I love her too much to be mad at her. Oh and if we weren't friends anymore...who would dress me? Can I get a amen Em?

Moving on to a different topic, how cute is this picture? It is quite possibly my new favorite picture.

I came home this afternoon to attend my sweet baby brother's baseball banquet. When we got back home, I told mom I wanted to give Lucy a bath. This is what happened when she got out of the bath and curled up in front of my heater. She is so spoiled, but so super sweet!


1 comment:

  1. I love you too sweet Haley!You are so right too we cant ever stay too mad at each other...thats what makes us such great friends. Oh and I do not know what you will do without me choosing your clothes for you...I guess go naked?
