The title of this blog pretty much sums up my feelings about the snow we have received today! Looking outside my window, I feel like I'm looking into a snow globe. In three is beautiful! As I am typing this there are two boys outside my window trying to build snowmen for their girlfriends. It is so sweet. Sort of reminds me of a few weeks ago when I forced this sweet boy to build me one. It amazes me what boys will do for the girls they love.
I have been anxiously awaiting this snow for two days now and it's arrival has not at all disappointed me. The wreck I almost had because of this beautiful snow did not make me happy, but hey it's not the snows fault. Well, it basically is but I forgive it. I mean look at all of the sweet things the snow has done for me today. First, it allowed me to get out of school at 11:45. I was home, out of my teacher clothes, and into my cozy pajamas before 12:00. It was wonderful . Also, my night class has been canceled for tonight. I so have to write snow a thank you card for that one.
I am looking forward to making snow creme tonight, playing in the snow with my sweet friends, and being out of school tomorrow. Snow, you are really awesome!

I LOVE the snow! But.. now we know what really was being built by those boys.. :)