I have been a horrible blogger this past week. I promise to do better this week! So...what have I been up to? Let me catch you up.
Last week I spent almost everyday with my friends. There was not one day that I can remember that I just stayed at home and didn't see anyone. I realize this kind of makes me sound like a hermit, but so be it. The week before last, I was so tired from starting student teaching that I pretty much was a hermit. I so needed all the quality friend time I had.
Let's see...what else. Oh yeah, I thought I had mercury poisoning. This was not at all fun. I will try to make this story as short as possible. Wednesday, my teacher was out of school and we had a sub. This basically meant that I was in charge of the instruction, because the kids are more comfortable with me and Mrs. Smith had sat down with me the day before to go over everything we needed to cover. During math, I was teaching about measurement and different types of tools we used to measure things. Well, the topic of temperature came up and I took out a thermometer, it all went down hill from there. The next thing I knew, one of my kids said, "Ms. Holley, the thermometer busted and you have it all over your hands. You know that has mercury in it....are you going to die?" I was telling myself to remain calm, but I'm not sure I did a very good job at that. Long story short, it was a newer thermometer and it did not contain mercury. Thank goodness!

My sweet Papaw celebrated his 78th birthday. He is such a sweet man and I have been so blessed to have him as my grandfather for so many years. It was great to have all of our family together to help him celebrate.
I'm sure I did several other things, but they weren't important or I guess I would've remembered them. Well, no we are all caught up on all of the important matters. Goodbye for now. I promise to be a better blogger this week!
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