Lately I feel like I am constantly on the go. Summer is supposed to be about relaxation and rejuvenation. Unfortunately, when you're a first year teacher, the summer before school starts in all about planning, planning, and more planning. This summer has defiantly not been relaxing for me. The first part of my summer was spent worrying and obsessing about finding a job. I was stressed to the max to say the least. Now it seems that the rest of my summer will be spent decorating my classroom, moving out of my apartment, and driving back between Oxford and home quite often.
I wish I could be more like this little girl....
She has no problem enjoying her days! :)
Yesterday I moved the majority of my things out of my apartment. I will still have to come back one more time to get the rest of it, but we made a good dent in it.
Thanks to my mama for helping me out! I really don't know how I would make through this summer with out her. Or the next year for that matter.
This pile of clothes did not make the cut to come back home with me. Any one interested in looking through them? There are a few cute things I have out grown and tons of t-shirts. Why in the world did I have on to all of these clothes for so long?
Huge pile of hangers left over....
After all my clothes were out
They all fit in the trunk. Talk about junk in the trunk. Haha.
I am so excited about the surprise I received this morning. Someone cared about me enough to buy me a sewing machine! Thanks mama!
Usually I don't watch instructional dvds that come with things, but since I really don't have a clue what I am doing I decided it would be a good idea to watch this one. Actually, it was very informative and I learned a lot.
I practiced different stitches on some old fabric I found around the house.
Well, time to get off here and get ready to head to Oxford for the night! Can't wait to spend some much needed time with my Shira Lani!!

Ah!I've been wanting to learn how to sew for forever! Please keep me updated with how hard it is!