Before I begin discussing the main purpose of this blog, I have a BIG announcement to make!!!
I finally have a JOB! Guess who is a new 4th grade Math and Science teacher.
If you guessed me then you are correct my friend. I was so excited to go work in my classroom Wednesday. I worked for about six hours and I made some very good progress if I do say so myself.
It's a work in progress so don't judge me yet. :)
Here are a few pictures of some cute things I have made for my room. Don't start thinking I'm creative or anything. All these ideas came from Pinterest. If you don't know what that is you should go check it out. I highly recommend it!
Now that I have shared my good news with all of you, let's discuss the topic at hand.
I have the greatest Grandparents ever! Just saying...
When I found this fabric, I knew exactly who to call about sewing it into curtains for my classroom for me!
Tonight after supper my Mama and I made the twenty minute drive down the road to my Grandparent's house in the tiny community of Randolph. Some of my fondest memories from my childhood took place at their house. It makes my heart smile just thinking about them.
I decided I wanted to give sewing a try and I found a great teacher to help me. She was very concerned that I did not already know how to operate a sewing machine. She couldn't understand why I didn't learn this in home economics. I politely explained to her that we don't have that anymore. Sadly, those classes have been replaced with classes such as computer concepts. Of course, she did not approve of this.
She let me do the bottom hem and then she said, "Haley do you want to get this done or do you want to keep playing around". Needless to say, she took over the sewing for the rest of the night and I became the observer. Side note: I think I will purchase a sewing machine. It would be a very good hobby. Just call me Suzy Homemaker. Not.
Grandaddy decided to serenade us while we worked. I know I'm biased, but he has the most amazing voice in the world. It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear him sing. I really wish I had received some of his singing abilities. Oh well, we can't all be beautiful singers.
I can't wait to hang these beautiful curtains in my room! What sweet memories they will bring back to me.

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