Today is the first official day of my Christmas break and I have been living it up. Well, actually that's a bit of an exaggeration. I did get a hair cut and gloss though. That's pretty exciting right? I just love going to get my hair done. How great would it be to have someone fix your hair for you every morning. Too bad I will never be able to afford my own personal hair dresser on my teacher salary. Here's hoping for a rich husband. :) I digress.
I had to most amazing time yesterday. If you follow me on twitter you already know what I am talking about. In fact, you probably hate me for blowing up your twitter feed yesterday. Sorry about that. I just simply could not contain my excitement. See pic below for proof of the above statement.
Does that look like the face of a girl who is about to bust at the seems with joy? If you answered yes to that question, you would be correct. (I might have begged mama to buy me the $20.oo rotating light thing)
Front row seats to Disney on Ice. I was so excited. It was fun to be a kid for a day. We indulged on funnel cakes and popcorn. Don't tell Jillian Michaels on me. She would not approve and I am slightly afraid of her. Thanks in advance for that.
Okay, I am about to overload you with pictures from yesterday. If you don't like Disney, or people dressed up as princess and princes skating around on ice, you should probably close this window. If the above mentioned things sounds like something you would enjoy, keep on scrolling.
I was sad to leave. Disney always does that to me.

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