Keeping with tradition, I will be doing a number of blog post today to catch you up with what's been going on in my life. Life has been happening so fast lately that I haven't found a spare moment to sit down and blog about it. Sound familiar?
First we need to talk about Christmas! By the way, merry seventh day after Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with family, love, happiness, and friends.
Christmas eve morning was spent at my Grandmothers and Granddaddy's house. We won't even begin to talk about the mass amount of food that was consumed there. It's quite shameful really. The table was filled with biscuits, chocolate gravy, eggs, breakfast casserole, cream puffs, sausage, bacon, and so much more. The best part of the day was gathering around the table with my awesome family. I am truly blessed.
My Ben boy
This boy loves books!
Allow me to explain the above picture. Christy is expecting and we decided to do the wedding band test to find out the sex of the baby. Supposedly, if it swings back and forth, it's a boy. If it spins in circles, it's a girl. According to our test she is having twins. We shall see! I'm secretly hoping for a girl!
Christmas Eve night we exchanged gifts as a family.

Mama has been wanting a hobo wallets ever since I got mine. She was so surprised and excited when she opened my gift to her. Just what she wanted. Daddy has been in desperate need of a new briefcase. His old one is falling apart, literally.
Us kids opening our gifts from the parents.
He loves me....he just doesn't know it yet. :)
Christmas morning!!! Lucy says thanks Santa! I will spare you the horribly atrocious morning pictures of me! Your welcome!
Christmas night was spent at my Mamaws and Papaws. We are obviously not a normal family. Who else would have a karaoke contest at their family Christmas?
Merry Christmas!!
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