Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Confessions

Hey girls!!! We made it to Friday and you know what that means. Time to link up with Leslie for Friday Confessional!

1. I was asked to attend a Mathematics workshop today and I was not very excited about attending. I ended up have a great time and learning lots of new things I can implement into my classroom.

2. I was so pumped up about said workshop that I signed up for an intensive two week workshop this summer. Woot woot!! Math nerd alert.

3. I should totally be grading papers and working on my lesson plans right now, but instead I am blogging. Can you say addicted?

4. Have you girls seen the preview for The Vow? If not you are totally missing out. I can not wait for this movie to come out. I mean, who doesn't love a good chick flick? Even if you don't like chick flicks you would be crazy to not want to go stare at Channing Tatum for a few hours.

5. I have no major plans for this weekend and I am completely fine with that. Sometimes it's nice to spend the weekend at home in your pajamas all day.

6. My fourth graders have decided that I need to marry Tim Tebow. I have no objections to this proposal. Pun intended. What do you say Tim? Would you really want to let these sweet little kids down?

7. I ate this Monday of this week. I only ate half of it and I'm pretty sure it caused me to gain two pounds. Thanks Gigi!

Have a lovely weekend ladies. I'll be sure to let you know as soon as Tebow calls, or when pigs start flying. Whichever happens first.

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  1. Ah! Tim Tebow. I would love to be friends with him! :)

    Happy Weekend. Don't you live for them??

  2. cant wait to see the vow! i cried watching the preview, imagine me in the movie ahaha.
