What do you get when you have a blonde, a red head, and a brunette in the same place at the same time? A good time, duh!!
I have missed these two ladies so much!! Last night we were all able to meet up in our favorite town and have dinner together. It was so nice to be back in Oxford with my old roomies.
Dinner at Chilis with my faves!
After dinner, we went to Lauren's house to see little Harp Harp!! Emily and I couldn't wait to get our hands on our little niece. I have missed this little girl!
Auntie Emily and Auntie Haley love you Harper!
And your mama loves you just a little bit too!
Lauren and her future hubby Mr. Cooper. Look how dressed up he got to meet us for the first time! Such a sweetie.
Okay, this is where this normal little blog post about having a fabulous time with my long, lost friends takes an interesting turn. Very interesting. Lauren's brother decided that Emily, the city girl, needed to get a little taste of the country life. So the obvious thing to do was take her for a little ride. I think you can tell from the picture below how much she enjoyed it!
Poor Em!
I'm fairly sure that by this point and time we were all fearing for our lives just a tad. You see we were in a deserted field that was overgrown with kudzu and Adam and Lauren were telling us about how some murderer used to live in this school bus. Oy vey!
After Emily recovered from the trauma of seeing the spooky bus in the empty field, we got ourselves into another scary sistuation. Apparently, someone had kicked the door in on this building and the law had to be called to investigate the situation.
I had a wonderful time with Lauren and Emily last night! We went through so much together last year in our little apartment. We survived Senior year at Ole Miss together, Senior practicum, Dr. Holmes, student teaching, and finding jobs. I really don't know what I would've done without them last year. These girls were my rocks. We will forever be tied together because of all the wonderful memories we made together in Oxford.
Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we.....
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. -Audrey Hepburn

oh my goodness! I could cry and SMILE the biggest smile ever at the SAME exact time! I love, love this post and I'm so happy we could re-connect last night! You are precious sweet girl! :)