Last night while I was reading Leslie's blog, I stumbled upon a new blog that I immediately fell in love with. I identified with them as soon as I read their why hello there section. Smith and Emma is a blog all about finding your way through your twenties. Here is a quote I borrowed from their blog. I thought it was kinda wonderful, it's everything I've been thinking in my head.
"You wonder where you life will go, what and who you will be. Will you get the picket fence and the man and the kids? Or will you fly solo, travel the world and have an amazing closet? Or maybe, you will figure out a way to have both?"
Currently, I am defiantly flying solo and why yes, I do have an amazing closet! I don't see a picket fence in my near future, nor do I see kids. But one day, as soon as I find the right guy, I would gladly give up my fabulous closet to get that picket fence.

Amen! I love this quote. so true!