Hello lovelies! Guess who had a sick day today?!? If you guessed me then you win a
I is sick. I blame it on the 50 children I work with on a daily basis. I love them to death, but they give me all their germs (sad face).
After dragging my happy tail out of the bed, I marched myself to the nearest clinic and was first in line at 8:00 this morning. That's right you read correctly, 8:00. I didn't even sleep in on my day off. Two steroid shots later, I was out the door and on the way to the pharmacy.
Feeling a little loopy, and a teensy bit tired I called my mama to complain about my rear hurting from that durn shot. I mean that's any southern girl would do in my situation. The afore mentioned durn shot not only hurt, but caused me to sleep ALL day, which explains why I am up now. Oops. Back to the on the way to the pharmacy story. Umm...so I hit a bird on the way to the pharmacy. I'm pretty sure I did anyway. However, in my current state at the time, I could've totes dreamed that up. The was this pretty little red bird flying in front of my car, then he was flying under my car. If you're looking for a silver lining, I can report that the bird escaped without injury. Mama thought I had completely lost my marbles when I was on the phone explaining my bird story to her. She was all, "Go home and don't drive your car anymore today". Not so sure if this was for my safety, or the local bird's.
P.S. My boss called to check on me (she's the best) and I really have no clue what I said to her. Scary thought. I'm hopping and praying to the Dear Lord above that I didn't say anything too crazy. I mean I don't think I told her the bird story. If so, I'll just blame it on the cough meds.