Things in my life are starting to change. My days consist of taking care of fourth graders from 7:30 until 3:00, coming home and filling out job applications, and going for job interviews. You want to know the best part about all of this? I get to wake up the next morning at 5:30 and start the process all over again. The good news is I only have eighteen more days of student teaching. After student teaching is over I will only have to worry about finding a job day after day. I mean that's not a big deal or anything (that was said in my best sarcastic voice).
So far, I have turned in two job applications and have been on two job interviews. I feel like they both went well, but I won't know anything until this summer. Frustrating. I just want to know where my life is headed and what I am going to be doing next year. At this point I don't know where I will be living, working, or what grade I will be teaching. Oh, then there is also the possibility that I won't find a job. They aren't exactly giving them away these days. Stressed out!
At this point there is nothing to do but trust the God is in control. I know He won't put me somewhere I am not supposed to be. I was reminded of this Thursday when I went home for a job interview. When I got back into town, I had an hour to spare before my interview so I stopped by the elementary school where my mama works. I was a ball full of emotions. It is not easy going to interviews. I was stressing about everything under the sun....what will they ask me, what if I don't know how to answer a question, does my hair look okay? I ran into the principal of the elementary school, who also happens to be my previous pre algebra teacher, and was my vice principal when I graduated. He asked me how I was doing and I was very honest with him. I responded, "Well, at the moment Coach I am freaking out a little". He invited me into his office and talked me through it. I hope I can be as encouraging to my future students as he was to me that day. He told me that I may not get my dream job this year, but where ever I end up is where God wants me at that moment. I just have to trust that it will eventually lead me where I want to be. After talking with him I was calm and excited to go to my interview. Thanks Coach!
Today has been filled with lots of typing for me. My fingers are starting to cramp a little. Actually, blogging probably wasn't the best idea. Ha. I have been in front of my computer all day working on finished my 10-day lesson plan. I really wasn't all that productive, even though I did work on it all day, I got distracted a lot. Stupid Blogger and Facebook. If it wasn't for social networks I would get so much more done. I have been basically done with my ten day for about a month now, but I just can't get motivated to finish it. I'm thinking tomorrow is my day to push through it and get it done.
Here's whats coming up on my calendar. I can hardly believe I only have a handful of projects that stand between me and graduation. It's exciting and nerve racking all at the same time.
Wednesday April 13, 2011
-Ten Day Lesson Plan Due
Wednesday April 20, 2011
-Classroom Management Assessment Assignment Due
Friday April 29, 2011
-Electronic Portfolio Due
Friday May 6, 2011
-Exit Conference
-Last Day of Student Teaching :)/:(
Saturday May 14, 2011
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! I know I am! I big thanks to my sweet Will for redesigning my blog! Love you all!