Okay boys and girls....lately I have been very lazy. That's right you heard me, I have turned into a lazy college student. All I want to do when I come in from a long day at the elementary school is sleep. Therefore, my blog has suffered greatly.
I have the day off from school today, it's better Monday! Today I thought I would take the opportunity to catch you up a bit. Not that I think my life is interesting enough for anyone to care, but here we go!
The goo goo dolls came for a little visit! It was a great time of relaxation with sweet friends.
Hey...wanna hear a joke? If the Goo Goo Dolls opened up for Lady Gaga what would you call that concert? You guessed it! GooGooGaGa! Hahaha.
One of my best friends, Paxton, had a recital! It was fab! I am so proud of him! He is such a good guy and he really has a passion for music! I wish I could find a good girl for him! Any takers?
Let's see...what other major life events have happened? Oh yeah! I completed my Ten-Day lesson plan and turned it in! I will never have to right another lesson plan again...and be graded on it that is. In other school related news, my portfolio is due this Friday. I have been working on it all weekend and I am basically done with it. It feels a little odd to be done with all of my school work. After I turn in my portfolio, I will be done with this semester. My last semester of college. Graduation is May 14, just around the corner. Only nine days left of student teaching...I will miss those babies so much! I hope they have learned as much from me as I have from them.
I went home this weekend to be with my family on Easter. It was a great time to relax and get back to my roots. Although Oxford is only thrity minutes from my hometown, it sometimes feels worlds away. Everything is so fast paced in Oxford, it's nice to go back home to a slower pace. I love my family so much! I really don't know what I would do without them! I am one lucky girl.
So the little fur baby has taken a liking to riding the tractor with Daddy. She is such a silly girl!
Well, I think we are all caught up now. I will try to do a better job of updating. Promise.

Gross picture of me, but precious blog! I'm so glad you finally have time to blog! :)