I have a confession to make...I need to read the word more. I have let worldly things get in my way and bog me down. My number one priority in life is to serve my God. Much to often I let the devil trick me into thinking that I am to busy to have a quiet time every morning, so I tell myself that I will get to it later. Guess how often that ends up happening...let me let you in on a little secret, not very often.
This morning I decided that I needed some way to keep myself accountable. I have decided to post a piece of scripture every morning on my blog. I need you guys to keep me accountable and yell at me when I start slacking off.
"Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer."
-Romans 12:12
I love what Beth Moore has to say about this verse and I would like to share it with you today.
"What victory the enemy has in winning us over to prayerlessness! He would rather we do anything than pray. He'd rather see us serve ourselves into the ground, because he knows we'll eventually grow resentful without prayer. He'd rather see us study the Bible into the wee hours of the morning, because he knows we'll never have both deep understanding and the power to live what we've learned without prayer. He knows prayerless lives are powerless lives-a sure prescription for anxiety, a certain way to avoid peace--while prayerful lives are powerful lives."
How true is that! Prayer is such a vital part of our lives and it is sometimes the most neglected in mine. How are you supposed to be friends with someone you never talk to? Think about the friends in your life....how often do you speak with them? On a daily basis right. Now think about how often you are in communication with God. Isn't he the best friend of all? He knows exactly what we are going through and He is the only one who will not fail us. God never fails. Yet, he neglect Him.

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