Well hello again ladies and gents...that is if I have any male readers. It's Wednesday and you know what that means. Time for What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie Here's what I'm loving this Wednesday!
1. It's finally hump day!! Woohoo! Is it just me, or has this week seemed so SLOW?
2. PAY DAY!!!! Need I say more? This first year teacher has been mighty poor. Scratch that, even after recieving my paycheck I'm still poor. :) We don't do this job for the money!
3. There is nothing I love more than reading all my student's sweet notes.
4. Hotty Toddy! I am ready for football! Saturday can not get here fast enough. I sure have missed the grove.
5. Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. Yum Yum! I'm not loving all the calories I consumed though.
6. Erin Condren Life Planners. Normally, I would never buy a planner that cost 50.00 plus 11.00 shipping. However, I got mine for 26.00! Score!

7. Football games with this sweet girl are ten times more fun!
8. It's finally September...come on Fall! I'm ready for pumpkins, leaves, family, football, halloween, thanksgiving, and cooler weather.
9. I'm loving life. Simple as that. My life has changed so much over the past few months. I'm just enjoying the ride. My life is blessed beyond measure. I have a great family, set of friends, and 48 sweet children that bring joy to my life on a daily basis.
I hope you are loving your Wednesday as much as I am.