I have been waiting for this my entire life. The day that I would finally be a teacher. As far back as I can remember I have known that I wanted to teach. I remember playing teacher in my bedroom as a little girl. I would lay papers all over my bed pretending I had passed them out to my students. Many hours I stood in front of my little dry erase board teaching my imaginary students.
Thursday, August 4, 2011 I became a real teacher. I did not have to pretend anymore. My dreams had become a reality. I had real children in my classroom. It just makes me want to cry. I worked so hard in college to learn the things I needed to so that I could be the best teacher I could be for my children. This past Thursday, I put my knowledge into practice.
I was very overwhelmed that first day. First of all I was running late. You see, I had set my alarm for 5:00 and I did not wake up until 6:30. To say that I went into panic mode would be a major understatement. I threw my hair up in a ponytail, threw on some clothes, put a can of soup in my bag, and ran out the door. It wasn't until I was ten minutes down the road that I checked to see if my top matched my pants. To my relief, they did. I pretty much cried the whole way there. I was so mad that my alarm didn't go off, I didn't get to take a shower, and I was going to be late for the first day of school. This would only happen to me.
Once I finally got to the school I was able to pull myself together and get everything in place before my students came. One by one my sweet fourth graders came in my room. They took their seats and we began the day. The day went smoothly and we all survived. For that I was thankful.
Friday went well and Monday will be here before I know it. This weekend I have been resting my aching feet, grading papers, fixing my seating chart, and working on my lesson plans. Being a teacher is a full time job. A teachers job is never done.
Back to planning now. I will post pictures tomorrow. I don't have time at the moment.

Ah! Oh no! You were just so nervous, that's why you slept late! It's going to be okay! My day was complete survival! :) Isn't is exciting and scary all in the same though! Love you! Can't wait to hear about it!