Only four more days until Spring Break! This student teacher is super excited. The next four days can not go by fast enough.
This week we are giving nine weeks test. Gross. On tops of that, as if it wasn't bad enough, I am finishing up my ten day. Also only four more days left to go on it.
I don't really have anything planned to do durning my week off and that's the beauty of it all. I am so excited to have the opportunity to lounge around all day in my pajamas. WooHoo!
I plan on doing nothing for the first few days, then I think I will try to become productive around Wednesday. ha. I will let you know how all of that works out.
Four more days!!!
Moving on to a totally different topic...
Last Friday three of my students got into trouble for doing something that the had no business doing. I will not talk about what they were doing, let's just say they all knew better.
I had a heart to heart with one of the girls who knew that what she was doing was wrong. She allowed one of her "friends" to pressure her into doing it. I talked with her about how we have to make wise choices about the people we surround ourselves with. We were both in tears by the end of the conversation. This morning she came in a told me , "Ms. Holley, I talked with my mama about what you told me Friday and she said that she agreed with you. I think you are both pretty smart ladies".
It's times like these that reminds what is important. It is important that I teach my kids all of the "school" things they need to know, but I feel it is more important for me to teach my kids life lessons. They may not remember how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together, but the life lessons they learn will stick with them the rest of their lives. I have the best job in the world! I get the wake up everyday and go make a difference in the lives of 40 kids. One word: Awesome!

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