I took a few bags of candy to school Friday for my sweet little fourth graders. Two of the bags were completely gone, but there was half a bag of smarties left. Now this girl loves her smarties! I started to go dump the rest of the candy into the kids candy bucket, but instead I decided to take it home with me to snack on.
Here's were the problem comes in....I ate all of it in two days. Wow. I hate a problem.
What did I learn from this? Never, never ever take candy home with me because I will eat every bit of it.
I told Willie to take it away from me but he didn't. I decided to just eat all of it that way it would be gone and I wouldn't be tempted by it anymore. Anyone see a problem with this?
Happy Sunday Dears!!
Maybe all the candy I just devoured will get me excited and charged up so that I can push through finishing this dreaded 10-day. I will let you know how that works out. It is very doubtful that I will get anything accomplished. Yes, I do have Senioritis....it is a serious condition.

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