I have successfully completed my first week of student teaching. Although this week was long and sometimes stressful, I loved it. I did not love getting up at 5:45 every morning, but boy did I love going to bed at 10:30 every night. Those little kids will wear you out. Ha. At the beginning of this week, I was so worried that I would have trouble making myself go to bed so early. Well, boy was I wrong. Most nights I was in bed way before my 11:00 bed time. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.
Social life? What social life. This week I did not get to see my friends very much. So far, this has been the only bad thing about student teaching. It's a very hard transition for me to make. I am used to seeing my friends everyday, but that was not the case this week. The first time we were all able to get together was last night. I sure have missed my sweet friends.
In the grand scheme of things, I am very happy with my new student teaching lifestyle. It is such a rewarding job and I feel so blessed to be where I am. I absolutely love my teacher, she is so great. My kids are wonderful and so super smart. The funny thing is, I am there to teach the students, but I have learned so much from them.
I decided Friday, while my students were waiting for there buses to be called, to go around the room and have each student tell me one thing they have learned this week and there favorite thing that happen this week. One student said that her favorite part of this week was, "Miss Holley coming back to school". Another student told me that he had learned to "do the right thing when my friends are making bad choices". This just warmed my heart and still brings tears to my eyes. This lesson that this boy remembered was something he had learned from me. In that moment, I knew this is what I am supposed to do for the rest of my life.
After school on Friday, I headed over to the school of education to attend a teachers of tomorrow, or TOT meeting. We are in charge of putting together a banquet and coming up with a theme. The theme for this year is past, present, and future. We will take a look back a teacher from the past and then have present students tell us how important and special their teachers are to them. When it comes time to feature the future teachers, we decided it would be a good idea to have a few TOT members tell what they want their future students to say about them. For example we will say, "Miss. Holley _________".
I have thought long and hard about this and I think I have finally figured it out. I want my future students to say, "Miss. Holley always believed in me and encouraged me to do my best". I sure hope those words will be spoken by one of my students one day. What an honor that would be.