I have been such a bad blogger the past few days. Allow me to explain my absence.
Saturday morning I made the thirty minute drive home to my hometown of Pontotoc. Pontotoc is a very small town...you know one of those places where everybody knows everybody. It has been my home my whole life and I absolutely love it. Lately, I have missed this sweet place.
I had only planned to stay one night and I have ended up staying three. Oh well, as the old saying goes..."we make plans and God laughs". Being at home with my family have been just what this girl needed. It has been a great time to relax and recharge my batteries. One of my favorite things about this visit has been cuddling with the girl. I sure have missed her.
Mama and I went shopping Saturday afternoon and got several cute things. I am obsessed with the new shoes I got. I will post about that soon! Let's just say they are super cute and I can't wait to wear them. When me and mama go shopping, our trips never go as planned. Our shopping goal was to find me a new pair of khakis to wear for student teaching. Well....we found the khakis and a few other things. Things that I didn't really need, but that were too cute for me not to buy. I will go ahead and admit that I have a shopping addiction.
Sunday was spent mostly at my Grandmama and Grandaddy's house. My Mamaw Bland, which would be my Grandaddy's mother has a house that is right next to my Grandparents house. She died about seventeen years ago when I was four years old. Although I was very young, I can still remember going to her house and listening to her tell me stories. She was a wonderful storyteller and she could keep me and my cousins mesmerized for hours by telling them. Sunday while I was at my Grandparents, I asked if I could go look in my Mamaw Bland's house and see if there was anything left that I might want to remember her by. To make a long story short, we ended up going to her house and spending a few hours looking around. I ended up getting a few things, my favorite being a quilt she made by hand. It is so pretty and I will cherish it forever.
You can see her house behind the tractor in this picture
Today has been filled with things that are not so much fun. This morning was made up of doctor visits and errands. This afternoon was spent in front of my computer filling out job applications. I just finished packing up to head back home tomorrow morning. This day has left me tired and greatly in need of a great nights sleep.
This short visit home has been great, but tomorrow it is back to reality for me.

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